“Her expertise and genuine care have transformed my life, and I can’t thank her enough”

I am thrilled to share my experience with Ms Zainab as my nutrition consultant. she has been a game-changer in my journey towards improved health, weight loss, and the reversal of PCOS.

Before meeting Zainab, I struggled with excess weight and the challenges that PCOS brought into my life. It felt like an uphill battle, and I was desperate for a solution.

Under Zainab’s guidance, I not only shed the extra pounds but also witnessed a remarkable improvement in my PCOS symptoms. I felt more energetic and vibrant than ever before. Zainab’s guidance extended beyond nutrition; she encouraged regular exercise and mindfulness practices, making the entire journey comprehensive and meaningful.

Thanks to Zainab, I now have the knowledge and tools to maintain a balanced and sustainable lifestyle. Her expertise and genuine care have transformed my life, and I can’t thank her enough.


“Diet overall helped me reverse all issues thankfully

I Burhanuddin Malak was 78kg before I started my diet plan and work out with Mrs. Zainab chunawala. Being foodie and a resident of indore, never thought of following any diet but motivational talk by zainab and reminding me almost daily about the result gave me a good start. And the plan was so well planned and had so many substitutes that it went very smooth. When I started my session I also had high cholesterol, fatty liver, but the diet overall helped me reverse all these issues thankfully.


“I highly recommend Mrs Chunawala for everyone whose looking for their weight loss journey”

Mrs Chunawala, has been extremely knowledgeable about my nutrition and everything about my health. Her expert advice, fantastic diet plan has helped me loose 11kgs weight in a span of 15 months. She has immensely guided me and has always kept track of my diet. Mrs Zainab not only suggests a diet plan but has also guided me on eating right food at right time. Trust me, Her advice and tips has helped me work wonders and that’s how I have gained confidence in all I do.

I highly recommend Mrs Chunawala for everyone whose looking for their weight loss journey.


“I felt addicted too because of how easy it felt”

I used to weigh 76kgs back when I took a nutrition plan from ms Zainab, I was unaware of the concept of healthy eating. Diet sounded like a word that requires tons of efforts and can only be practical for someone who has a lot time. After I started her diet because of some health issue I must say I felt addicted too because of how easy it felt. She gave me a diet that I could follow so smoothly as all that she asked me to have was either already existing in my kitchen or quick and easy to make, the follow ups helped me not lose my focus sometimes or say mostly out of fear. If there is anyone out there looking for a smooth hassle free and yet fulfilling diet that’s yummy you gotta have a plan from her.


“Felt significantly lighter and healthier overall”

I am thrilled to share my incredible experience working with ms Zainab, her expertise and guidance have completely transformed my life. I was struggling with hyperacidity and weight issues, feeling uncomfortable and heavy. But thanks to the personalized diet plan they provided, my hyperacidity vanished completely. I not only lost weight but also felt significantly lighter and healthier overall.

What amazed me the most was how her diet plan improved not just my physical health, but also my skin’s radiance. My complexion started to glow, and I felt a newfound confidence in my appearance. Zainab took the time to understand my needs and preferences, creating a diet that was easy to follow and enjoyable. Her ongoing support and adjustments to the plan made the journey even smoother.

I am incredibly grateful to her for her dedication, knowledge, and passion for helping others achieve their health goals. She has not only improved my physical well-being but also boosted my self-esteem. I wholeheartedly recommend Ms Zainab to anyone seeking a holistic and effective approach to health and wellness.

I highly recommend Mrs Chunawala for everyone whose looking for their weight loss journey.


“Highly recommend it to those who are struggling in losing weight and facing PCOS/PCOD issues”

My weight loss Journey :
There was a point in my life when I knew that I needed to do something for my health, but I was not serious enough. However, I slowly piled on kilos and realised that my weight had touched 68 kilos. I was not able to wear my favourite clothes because of my growing weight and I felt lethargic and bloated. I decided to do something about my weight, even though I wasn’t a huge fan of exercising (or even walking) and was a big foodie. The day I decided to loose weight and get healthy, there was no looking back.

How and when I started my diet plan :
Mrs. Zainab Chunawala who is a nutritionist, inspired me and therefore I decided to follow her diet. Her diet plan is so easy to follow which was easiest for me. Her diet plan helps me a lot in losing weight, Fatty liver and my PCOS was getting better at the same time. This plan also provides me daily necessary vital nutrients which body requires. Without using any medication(allopathy/ayurvedic). Also I reccomend this diet plan must be adopt as a lifestyle routine for healthy and better life.

All thanks to her. Highly recommend it to those who are struggling in losing weight and facing PCOS/PCOD issues.


“I started feeling more energetic and swift”

I had a wedding in my family in 8 months. I approached Zainab because i use to feel bloated and was not happy in my skin. Zainab gave me a diet that was so doable and easy, it was the same things that i was eating with a little modification. Not only did my bloating reduce, i lost weight and more importantly inches. My hair felt better and i started feeling more energetic and swift.


What to expect

You are unique and so are your Nutritional needs.

Tailored Nutrition & Lifestyle plan to suit your uniqueness.

Understanding the root cause.

Achieving one goal at a time in order to sustain and achieve long term goals.

Become Health Independent.

What not to expect

Fad diets, Magic elixir.

Quick fixes.

Ignoring the root cause and just treating the symptoms.

Quick drastic weight loss (slow and steady wins the race)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are practical tips for improving eating habits and making healthier choices?

Practical tips include meal planning, preparing meals at home, mindful eating, portion control,staying hydrated, and choosing whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

Can you suggest healthy and convenient snack options?
Fresh fruits, nuts, Greek yogurt, whole grain crackers with nut butter, hard-boiled eggs, trail mix, veggie sticks with guacamole, and homemade energy balls or granola bars and many more.
Strategies for managing portion sizes and avoiding overeating?
Use a smaller plate and spoon to eat, practice portion control, eat slowly, listen to hunger and fullness cues, avoid distractions, and pre-portion snacks and meals.
How can I determine my calorie intake for my goals and needs?
Consult with a Nutrition expert and understand how to manage the Calories the right way. As every individual has different caloric requirements based on various factors, There is no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to Nutrition.
Effective and sustainable approaches to healthy weight loss?
Gradual weight loss , balanced diet, regular physical activity, building healthy habits,tracking progress, seeking professional support, and focusing on overall health improvement.
How can I read and interpret food labels to make informed choices?
Read the serving size, check total calories and calories from fat, review the nutrient breakdown, and be mindful of the ingredients list to make informed choices.Ingredient lists are in descending order by weight, so if the first few ingredients have sugars, additives and unhealthy fats then please keep it back on the shelf.
Should I consider taking dietary supplements?
Consult a healthcare professional to assess your specific needs and determine if dietary supplements are necessary for you.
always try to fulfil first through food.
What are good plant-based protein sources for vegetarians/vegans?
Plant-based protein sources include legumes, Tofu, Tempay, nuts, seeds, plant-based protein powders.
How can I develop healthy eating habits in children?

Set a positive example, involve children in meal planning/preparation, offer a variety of nutritious foods, make food appealing, limit unhealthy snacks/beverages, educate about benefits of healthy foods, and encourage family meals.

How can I make healthier choices when dining out or eating at restaurants?
Choose restaurants with healthier options, opt for grilled/roasted dishes, request dressings/sauces on the side, choose a dish with lots of veggies, avoid sugary beverages, share meals, and be mindful of portion sizes.
What Vitamins and Minerals should I priorities during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
Consult a healthcare professional for personalised recommendations, but generally focus on folic acid, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D.
Can I lose 8-10 kgs in one month?
You can but you should never fall for such diets that claim such results. It is not recommended to aim for such rapid weight loss of 8-10 kgs in a month. Healthy and sustainable weight loss typically ranges from 0.5 to max 1 kg Per week depending from person to person. Losing weight too quickly can lead to muscle loss, Nutrient Deficiencies and very high likelihood to gain all the weight back or even more than what it was before. It is important to prioritise Long-term lifestyle changes that include a balanced diet, regular physical activity and lifestyle changes. Consuling with a Nutrition expert can help create a personalised weighloss plan based on your specific needs and goals